
意大利拖鞋包 Ciabatta (大氣孔)#3928 Ciabatta Bread Mix 意大利特色面包粉


意大利特式面包粉 500g
高筋麵粉 500g
天然麵包改良劑 10g
水(約) 850g
碧琪速溶酵母 12g

1.攪拌約 10 分鐘,直至面糊攪拌完成。

2.放置已塗油的容器上,疊折面糊醒醱 60 分鐘

3.鬆弛 10 分鐘,灑上面粉後倒扣在牛油紙上,輕力拉長麵團做形及刺洞,灑上面粉後分割並第二次醒醱 20 分鐘即可入爐。

爐火 230°C打入500ML後烤20分鐘後
降低爐溫至 200°C約 10 分鐘。(按大小調整)


Bakels Ciabatta Bread Mix 500g
Bread Flour 500g
Quantum CL 1% Improver 10g
Bakels Instant Active Dried Yeast 12g
Water (Variable) 850ml

1. Place ingredients in mixing bowl.
2. Using the dough hook, mix for approximately 8 minutes until well developed.
3. Finished dough temperature 30°C.
4. Place dough in a well oiled bucket/bowl/drawer (a large rectangular bucket is recommended).
5. Smear or spray top with olive oil and allow to recover for 1 hour.
6. Fold again and allow to recover for 10 minutes.
7. Tip dough onto a generously floured bench.
8. Using a bench scraper, cut Ciabatta bread and rolls into desired size and shape (long rectangles are
recommended for bread and small squares for rolls).
9. Stretch dough piece gently and place on baking trays taking care not to knock back the trapped air
10. Proof outside prover for 20 minutes (moisten with water and sprinkle top of ciabatta with semolina to
give a crusty exterior).
11. Bake 20 minutes at 220°C with 30 seconds steam injection.
12. Drop oven to 200°C and bake for 30 minutes.
13. Take care with bottom heat. If too severe, double tray ciabattas.
